Motion-Aware Temporal Coherence for Video Resizing Yu-Shuen
Wang1, Hongbo Fu2,
Olga Sorkine3, Tong-Yee Lee1,
Hans-Peter Seidel4 ACM Transaction on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2009 Asia)
Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 2City University of Hong Kong, 3New York University, 4MPI Informatik Overview of our automatic content-aware
video resizing framework. We align the original frames of a video clip to a
common coordinate system by estimating interframe camera motion, so that
corresponding components have roughly the same spatial coordinates. We
achieve spatially and temporally coherent resizing of the aligned frames by
preserving the relative positions of corresponding components within a
grid-based optimization framework. The final resized video is reconstructed
by transforming every video frame back to the original coordinate system. |
Abstract |
Paper |
Supplemental Results |
Accompanying Video |
Bibtex |
@ARTICLE{Wang:2009, |
Acknowledgement |